Saturday, January 1, 2011

Toast to a New Year

I really did not want to leave my babies last night to go out for New Year's, but I figured since I was not pregnant or did not just have a baby, that I better take advantage. However, after about 2 hours without them, I got home sick I guess you could say...Even though I knew they were in good hands with my mother in law, I still wanted to hold them in my arms and hear everything that they had to tell about their night. Anyways...that almost but didn't end up happening.

Zack and I love Outback; so I dressed up (first time in a WHILE) and we went to eat. We saw some friends, had a few drinks, and finally got a table to eat. I couldn't eat for thinking about my babies! I mean gosh is there something wrong with me?? To make a long story short, Zack had a REALLY good time and I drove us home... One of our close friends called us all night long asking us to come to a party where he was. I wanted to go get the kids but Zack wanted to go there, so we did. But in the process of us changing clothes, Zack's mom called with Barnes screaming that he wanted his MOMMY. Okay so at this point I am demanding that we go get him. Zack's mom said that he had not had a nap and she would bring him home. I was so excited! I no more could get the words out of my mouth that my babies were coming home when Zack's mom called again and said he fell asleep as soon as they got into the car and that she was going home. I wanted to say NO! But again I gave in and let him stay. Mainly because I thought maybe she would call in the middle of the night and bring him home, or maybe because I knew I had to let him have time away from me. Nevertheless, I knew he would be okay.

So Zack and I loaded up for the party in the Tornado!! Or so it seemed! I was struggling to hold my eyes open until midnight! But it was fun. I was so glad to get home but as soon as I got in bed I got upset...I know whoever is reading this will think that I really am crazy, but I'm not I promise. A part of me was missing in the bed. Besides the fact of Zack snoring...uh! I wanted to get in my car and drive as far as I needed to to get my babies...but I didn't. I did however put my phone right beside my ear in case she called and I set my alarm for early so I could go get them! I just knew they would be excited to see me!

The next thing I remember is waking up, looking at my phone and it saying 1:00 pm!!!!!! Okay at this point I am freaking the hell out because Zack was not in the bed and I had slept till after noon! I thought I was dreaming; but I was not. It took me 10 min to get ready and 20 to get to my in laws...record time! And too my suprise my babies were waiting on me and they both ran into my arms! Priceless. No words can explain!

On the way home I told Barnes and Ella Kate that I missed them last night and that I would not leave them again for that long...Barnes replied "Mommy I fought (thought) you come get me, I called you". He never forgets anything. I knew I had to make it up to him. And I replied "Barnes you are a big boy and you and Kate Kate spent the night like big boys and girls". He just kind of looked at me so don't think he believed me...LOL!

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