Saturday, April 30, 2011

Barnes' First Tball Practice!

Barnes had his first Tball practice this past Thursday!!! I think I was more excited than he was! I was ready for him to meet the team and well just get to play with kids his age. All but 2 team members showed up so I thought that was pretty good...
Barnes was decked out in his "real" baseball pants and jersey. He was making me hot just looking at him! But he would NOT have it any other way! Nothing was missing...he had his cap, helment, batting gloves, cleets, socks, and of course pants and jersey. This boy is going to put me in debt buying this stuff! But when it comes to my baby, I don't care!
Anyways, Zack is the coach...period. I will say no more. However...I (the moma) have been doing most of the coaching at home...calling parents, dealing with parents, dealing with coaches, setting up practices, ordering uniforms.....and well you name it, I have and am still doing it.... But I won't complain.
He is playing at Baldwyn this year because they have to be 5 to play in Booneville, which by the way I think is CRAZY! So we will make an exception just this year.... and hopefully he can play at 4 in Booneville. I just want him to be around children his age and learn who he will be going to school with. I know right now it is good for him to be around those that he will attend The Honey Tree with. Believe it or not, Barnes had an experience with some MEAN kids at Shannon where moma teaches and well lets just say he and I both were in tears. I won't go into detail but the MOMA came out in me that day, and it was NOT a good one. When your child comes up to you and says "Mommy I can't make friends, and they won't play with me..." with tears rolling down his cheeks...I had no idea what to say. What I wanted to say was NOT good! Needless to say those kids were horrible. How does a 3 year old know that he can't make friends?? Where did he learn this? All I could do was get mad and cry. I mean, how did I make my first friends? I cannot remember..... I just remember having LOTS of them. And all I could think about the rest of the day was.... will my baby not have friends? I was so upset. I am such a worry wart but this one topped it off. Nothing makes me more angry then someone picking on MY child. Oh, I was one HOT moma....But we did end up finding one nice little boy to play with Barnes and he survived the rest of the afternoon.
Anyways back to Tball, I just want Barnes to have fun and make friends...I sound like Mr. Rogers, but I do...He is finally attending Sunday School by himself thanks to Mrs. Liz who Barnes adores! She invited him one day and he walked right in!!! The boys are a year older than Barnes but he hangs right in there with them! And now he loves to go every Sunday. I am SO thankful fo that!
As for the Red Sox Tball team... I can't wait for our next practice! It was so much fun! Here are some pics!!
He is getting TOO BIG!

Making friends with Maddox. This is Shanna McCarley's little boy. She and I were friends at this age! Barnes said "I wike (like) Maddox"! Yay!

Another lefty!!

I hope they become good friends!!!

Walking to first base!

Our team ready to run the bases!

Coach Zack...

Bon Bon helping Barnes get the ball!

Running bases with Maddox!!

Okay this one makes me cry... my little baseball player!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Jackson is 1!!!

Okay so I know this is a REALLY late blog but I was going through pictures on my camera and absolutely HAD to blog about my Jack Jack turning ONE! By the way...I have got to get pics developed....I have pictures on my card from last year (like before Thanksgiving) that I haven't developed yet! I know... I know... I have got to get on the ball!
Anyways, back to Jack Jack....I really wish this crappy printer over here would scan his invitation because it was priceless! I have it in front of my desk at work....even though he has bulldog tatoos on both little cheeks! I just love him!
The party was at Maggie and Seth's on March 20 after Jackson was baptized that day. Now I really wish I had pictures of that! He kept reaching for us in the audience. My kids did the same so...But anyways, the party was GGGGreat! We had so much fun and there were tons of people there! Here are the pics. Hope you enjoy!
P.S.This poor baby is actually getting to eat REAL food now...Thank the Lord!