Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas 2010

I was SO excited about Christmas this year mainly because one of my babies would get to actually enjoy and understand it....however I was wrong. Barnes wanted the one and only Buzz Lightyear Action figure and we stressed to him that Santa would indeed bring it to him if he asked him. Well...that went in one ear and out the other. He would not settle for anything less! November seemed like it flew by but December was so long for the Nelson crew. We couldn't go to Walmart or the Mall or anywhere without a screaming fit put on by the one and only Barnes! He would scream "I need my Buzz, Mommy, I need it"! It was like a freaking addiction. And oh how I just wanted to go up in the attic and get it for him because I hate to see him upset but I stood my motherly ground and again told him that Santa would be the one to bring it to him.

Ella Kate on the other hand could care less. She just wanted a "Ba-be" as she called it. And everytime Barnes would throw his fit that he inherited from his paternal side, she being her little motherly self would take him his milk or passy! She is so funny. And I could not wait for Santa to bring her ALL of the babies that were crying and jumping and giggling in my attic!

We go to my in laws on Christmas Eve morning for their Christmas and Barnes headed straight to the tree, opened about two gifts, threw them down and said "TAKE IT BACK". Okay, so at this point I am mortified and apologized. I knew nothing would be perfect until the next morning.

After we leave Zack's mom's house everything is a blur. We go to Zack's grandmother's at 4 and then after opening presents, the kids and I leave and go to my grandmother's to eat while Zack eats with his family. Don't ask me why or how this happens but I try to please everyone. By this point I am yelling for the kids to stay awake because this whole day has worn them down; especially Barnes. And he continued with the "TAKE IT BACK" phrase with every present that he unwrapped. I just apologized to everyone once again and we went home.

My moma spent the night with us to help with the kids and with Santa gifts but by the time we got home both babies were out for the night...or so we thought! It was midnight when we started with Santa and Barnes woke up when I opened BUZZ! Of course he went right back to sleep but it scared me to death! My mom who was helping me then had to go sleep with Ella Kate because woke up also! My husband and I finished at about 3 AM! I think Santa bought way too much but like I told my husband whose money DID NOT go towards their gifts, "I don't care if I dont get one thing but my babies will have the best Christmas ever". And they did!

The next morning we tip toed into the living room with Barnes (by the way I looked for my cam corder a week prior but couldn't find it so I could only capture the moment with pictures). He stopped in the middle of the room and just looked around. He finally said "MY BUZZ"!!! It was like no other moment! He loved everything! I was so happy and so was he! Ella Kate did not know which baby to go to first! Moments like these are priceless! I had a wonderful christmas with my babies and cannot wait until next year!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My Life

Okay so I am VERY new to the blogging here goes!
Hi! My name is Anna Kate Nelson and I have been married to my husband Zack for 3 years now. We dated for about 5 years before getting married and let me say that the dating world is SO much easier than marriage! BUT I am so happy to say that I have two beautiful children because of it and that makes it special. Barnes, age 2, is my Valentine's baby; he was actually born on Valentine's Day! He is my heart. And it is true what they say that boys LOVE their mommys because not a day goes by that he doesn't come up to me and say "I love you MOMMY"! Melts my heart and tears come to my eyes. And I thank God everyday for him. He is a cotton top, brown headed little man (or so he thinks he is). And he is so smart, not missing one detail of anything! I will post his beautiful picture because words cannot portray him!! And then.... when Barnes was 6 months old I found out I was pregnant with my daughter Ella Kate. Now, don't let her picture fool you if you look at it before reading this because this little girl is a MESS! She is something...can't explain it but she is 1 going on 30! There is never a dull moment in our house with her. She came into the world as an inocent little angel but...she is definitely a drama queen! And she too does not miss a thing. She won't talk because she is so spoiled (thanks to my lovely grandparents), she can say "UH" and point to something and she expects it right then. Oh you will learn lots about her! Here are some of their pictures.