Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Barnes!

O it feels so good to blog again! I think I was beginning to go through withdrawls!
It's just school and work and school and work and my late nights or should I say wee early mornings are dedicated to school work. Blah!! Sometimes I think "What have I done???" And sometimes I think about giving up but....then I think about persistent I am and I know that I will finish this!!
Anyways, the Nelson family had a wonderful Valentine's day well weekend! It started with Barnes' 3rd birthday party Saturday. 3? Yes, he is now three....tears.... My little baby boy has gotten so big it just breaks my heart! I know your supposed to be glad that they are healthy and growing but I WANT MY BABY BACK!
We have story time at bedtime...yes all in my bed...and Barnes will say "Mommy tell Barnes story." And I begin to tell him when he was born and how it was on Valentine's Day and well I don't go into the gross details of birth, I just sum it up as "Barnes was kicking my belly saying LET ME OUT! And then you came out of my belly button!"
Not too bad huh? Well Barnes likes it. He thinks it is funny because he kicked me. He knows the story by heart so he repeats everything I say or finishes the sentences. It is hilarious! But I will always cherish that day he arrived!
I feel like it was yesterday but yet it seems so long ago....I was at the mall walking (note: walking to try to go into labor)...Dr. Johnson had told me at my last appt that I would definitely not make it to my due date. We all joked saying it would be on Valentine's but I didn't really let it concern me. Anyways back to walking...I was looking in Hallmark for Zack a card and I started contracting but I didn't know what to do. Okay...I am a nurse...but when it comes to me or my babies I am just a normal person. I know nothing. We (me and moma) begin to time these contractions because for some reason I heard that you could not go to the hospital unless they were 8 minutes apart. Where did I hear that??? No clue. Probably not even true!
And guess how far apart mine were? Eight freaking minutes. Moma wanted to take me then and there to the hospital but I assured her I was okay and not to worry. I was telling her this while I was freaking out!!! And by the way....Zack is at the hunting store NOT in the mall and in MY car!
Long story short, Zack came and picked me back up and we went to eat with his mom at O'charley's which during my 9 months I craved their food. But I could not eat. Too much pain and too nervous. Zack's mom was nervous too and even gave us a box of diapers just in case we went to the hospital! Ha! I still remember. And we had tons at home but our home was in Oxford and we were not there.
On the way home I continued to time the contractions and they were getting closer. I had been dilated for like 3 weeks so I thought this might be a good time to go to the hospital. And we did. We made a detour to New Albany instead of Oxford. I told Zack that they would probably send me home, but I just wanted to make sure.
After we were admitted, I had not dilated anymore and the nurse kept saying I might have to go back home. Home? No way sister...I am not going all the way home to come all the way back. My moma was finally given the ok to come to the hospital and we stayed up ALL night long.....no lie. Dr. Johnson did tell me it would be up to me to stay or go home. Okay...don't ask a preggo that question. I know I was a bad patient but I was in pain! And by 6am the next morning....I had dilated enough to be admitted and well....one thing led to another and Barnes came into the world!! It was that afternoon so needless to say the 18 hours I experienced was awful! I remember the minute the nurse said "Ok, you're there...we can admit" and another chimed in "Honey, would you like something for pain?"
Me: "Omg yes please! Wait, can you have pain meds when your preggo?" She just laughed and said "I won't tell my mom you asked that!" Her mom was one of my nursing instructors whom I loved!
And so we again celebrated the birth of Barnes on Saturday with Lightening McQueen and Mator! You know...from the movie CARS. And I was so happy that little people actually came! Barnes had soooooo much fun. They rode bikes and cars and 4 wheelers and it was perfect!
And to top it off, yesterday (Valentine's Day) I sent Barnes some candy and balloons to his babysitter's house. I called him on my lunch and asked him about it and he said that he had gotten a BIG sucker and a BIG balloon....I then said "I love you SO much Barnes," he replied "I wuv you so much Mommy too!" I just cried even more but it melt my heart! And he will always be my Valentine!
Hope you enjoy the pics from the party!
I loved the cake!!

This was Barnes' gift from Mommy and Daddy...Lightening McQueen!!

"I go fast Mommy!"

Baby Jack Jack riding around!


Clark riding his bike so fast!!

Present time!

Gift from MeMe and Poppy...A REAL baseball suit! The whole atire!

We didn't get all the way through "Happy Birthday" but we blew all 3 candles out by himself!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Barnes!!!! I can't believe he is THREE years old!!!! Loving that birthday cake! Looks like you guys had a great time! Is that Ella Kate on the pink 4 wheeler!!! OH my!...Time is really going too fast! Sweet Jackson...Could just eat that sweet baby with a spoon! LOVE when you post...keep them coming! Makes me feel like I know what's going on in that part of the world! :)

    Keep up the good work with school! You can and WILL do it...AND it will be worth it! :)
